Volunteer / Grant Information
Volunteer Member
Sweet Repeat Charitable Foundation Mission Statement: To generate funds from donations and to distribute profits to qualified nonprofit organizations in and around York County and provide scholarships for local students.
Vision Statement: Sweet Repeat Charitable Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, principally operated by volunteers. Our intent is to grow our membership and our profits to support and improve the lives of the people in our community.
Sweet Repeat Charitable Foundation consists of dedicated women volunteers who want to be involved in their community. We operate the store in Lake Wylie named “Sweet Repeat Thrift Store.”
Store hours are Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday 9:00am- 3:00pm. Volunteers also work Monday, Wednesday and some Friday mornings to process donations and to clean and organize the store.
To become a member of the Sweet Repeat Charitable Foundation you should live in the Lake Wylie area in North or South Carolina. All members pledge to volunteer a minimum of 6 hours a month in store operations.
Annual dues are required to help defray incidental costs that cannot be taken out of the charitable funds. Dues are billed in June and are due July 31st; currently dues are $10.00 per year. After a successful probation period, the new member is inducted at the next monthly General Membership/Luncheon Meeting and pays her dues.
Members of the Sweet Repeat Charitable Foundation meet at 11:30 AM on the second Friday of the month at a local venue or at the “Sweet Repeat” store as announced in the monthly newsletter. The meeting agenda includes a summary of the Foundation’s business and membership notes followed by lunch and an informational speaker.
Members, and guests of members, pay for their lunches at the entrance. The Foundation pays for new members’ lunches in the month of their induction. It is not mandatory to buy lunch to attend the business meeting.
We want you to enjoy your membership by being an active member, sharing in the Foundation’s fellowship, building friendships and by contributing your time and talents to the success of our service to the community.
If you have any questions please contact the Membership Chairperson or call the store during business hours.
To be considered for membership, please review the above information carefully and complete and return the attached application form.
Click on word
documents to print and fill out.
Application Form
Information Form
Grant Information
At Sweet Repeat Charitable Foundation, our mission is to give back to the community by supporting local charities. We are dedicated to helping the less fortunate and strive to make a difference in the lives of those who need it most. Our grant program is designed to assist charities in reaching their goals and fulfilling their missions. If you are interested in applying for a grant from us, please read the guidelines and submit your application.